Evaluating Job Perks as an HR Leader

Evaluating Job Perks as an HR Leader

As a Human Resources VP, or any leader in the workforce, you are responsible for ensuring that your company's employees are happy and motivated. One way to do this is by creating job perks that will appeal to your employees and make them feel valued and appreciated.

There are many benefits to creating job perks for your employees, including increased employee satisfaction, reduced turnover, and improved productivity.

One of the most significant benefits of job perks is increased employee satisfaction. When employees feel that their employer values them and is willing to invest in their well-being, they are more likely to feel satisfied with their job and committed to the company. This can lead to lower turnover rates and increased employee loyalty.

In a real world sense, when a team member is asked by a relative or friend “How is the job working out?” Do they have something interesting and optimistic to add when describing how its going? Or is it "It's a job, you know. It works for now."

And it's not just about what an employee might say to grandma. Another benefit of job perks is that they can help to improve productivity. When employees feel that their employer is invested in their well-being, they are more likely to be motivated to work on a higher level. This makes them more productive. This can lead to a more efficient and effective workforce, which is beneficial for the company as a whole. And if we're really honest, benefits more than just the company.

In addition to these benefits, job perks can also help to attract talent to your company. Better candidates are often looking for companies that offer a good work-life balance and a positive work environment - in present times, reflected in public forums such as GlassDoor, LinkedIn, Reddit, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, TikTok, and others.

By offering job perks such as flexible work hours, telecommuting options, and opportunities for professional development, you can make your company a more attractive option to top candidates.

When it comes to creating job perks, there are many options to choose from. Our company might ask: What's most expedient? What is the least costly? What can present a tax advantage?

In human resources, we are wise to consider: What can be truly felt by employees - that they are in a good place?

The ideal scenario is that managers and peers created and now maintain a positive and supportive environment - in which each day develops upon the last, and as a group, teams strive to lift each other. But how can we help bring that about? Some popular options include flexible work hours, telecommuting options, health and wellness benefits, and opportunities for professional development.

As a Human Resources VP, it is important to consider the benefits of job perks and to actively work to create them for your employees.

An innovative way to create job perks for your employees is by implementing a product such as the NotJustNinjas ILP (Incentivized Learning Platform) that combines employee learning with small incentivized rewards. This type of product offers a valuable job perk that can help to improve employee satisfaction and motivation while also providing opportunities for professional development.

The ILP works by providing employees with simple SMS-based learning resources that cover a variety of topics, such as product knowledge, procedures, team culture, professional development, leadership, and wellness. Employees answer small quizzes to demonstrate commitment to improvements. And they also have fun. By consistently engaging, employees are periodically rewarded with small incentives such as gift cards or additional time off - customized with each organization by NotJustNinjas.

This type of product offers many benefits for your employees. Firstly, it provides them with opportunities for professional development, which can help to improve their job performance and advance their careers. Additionally, the small rewards provided after completing the modules can help to increase employee motivation and engagement. The rewards also serve as a tangible recognition of the employee's efforts in learning and development.

To the question “How is the job working out?” The goal of the NJN platform is not just to incentivize development, but to ensure there is some memorable good news, such as “I just got a Target card from our training game, and I’m about to go buy a new shirt..” or “I just had some Chipotle from one of the Training Ninja gift cards we get.” And all the while, they were interacting with answers about the latest products that make them a stronger associate, and practicing key values that define their organization's culture.

A key organizational benefit of this product is that it can help to improve employee retention. When employees feel that their employer values their professional development and is investing in their growth, they are more likely to be satisfied with their job and less likely to look for opportunities elsewhere.

Whereas a payroll increase may be difficult for a multitude of reasons - from economic uncertainty, to revenue, or the fact that it may set a precedent the company is not prepared for - customizing this type of ILP provides a way to reward teams for improvements that result in long term returns, which can give flexibility in budgeting and reporting. It is worth a discussion with your finance leaders.

Finally, this product is easy to implement - it supplements your existing employee learning and development initiatives, with flexibility of messaging to target pain points and shape company culture. It can be customized to align with the specific learning needs of your employees, making it a doubly valuable addition to your company's job perks.

In conclusion, implementing a system that combines employee learning with small incentivized rewards is a valuable job perk that can help to improve employee satisfaction and motivation while also providing opportunities for professional and personal development. As a Human Resources VP, it is worth considering incorporating this type of product into your company's job perks to enhance your employee engagement and retention.